Spot the Suburbs
Edit: Big thanks to Chad Skelton (Vancouver Sun) and William Wolfe-Wylie ( for picking this up and running with it! See their articles here:
I just started playing with CartoDB today, and I can already tell how much time it is going to save me when doing any kind of map plotting - this thing is incredibly powerful.
Just to test things out, I uploaded all of the building locations in Fredericton (which unfortunately was too much for my tiny trial account, and I had to split it) and colour coded them by their street designation.
Nothing spectacular here, but it’s pretty interesting how quickly you can spot the suburbs with their many “Crescents” and “Courts”:
Hey, I'm Ryan Brideau. I work as a Senior Data Scientist at Wealthsimple. Previously, I was at Shopify. You can follow me on Twitter here: @Brideau